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Pipe Frenzy 1.0

Pipe Frenzy 1.0

Pipe Frenzy Publisher's Description

"My name's John Dale, I wrote the original PipeDream game for LucasArts. I just wanted to congratulate you on a really nice implementation of the game. I see a lot of versions of it these days, since it's such a natural fit for handhelds, but your implementation of it is really nice - right down to the graphics from the original, including the plumber guy (whose name is Chuck, if you're interested!). Nice job!"
- John Dale

Pipe Frenzy is a great-looking, OS5 enhanced adaptation of the classic game Pipe Dream, where the goal is to quickly place pipes on a game board to form a pathway for running water. If you are a fan of games where the combination of strategic thinking, speed, and a fair amount of stress are vital compontents, Pipe Frenzy should be just the game for you!

Game Features:
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Three different skill levels
  • High resolution enhanced color graphics
  • Support for both color and monochrome (and thus also grayscale) devices.
  • Enhanced sound (currently not for Sony devices)
  • Clear ingame instructions
  • Simultaneous water flows, exploding block pipes, and lots of other cool game features

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